
S/N Crop Category Name Category Description
1 Cereals These are crops that produce seeds rich in carbohydrate or starch. They include rice, maize, wheat, millet, sorghum, rye, oat and so on.
2 Legumes These are crops that produce seeds rich in protein. They include cowpea, groundnut, soybean, bambaranut and so on.
3 Vegetables These are crops that produce edible vegetative part (leaf, stem and root) and requires slight cooking before consumption. They include wide range of crops such as Tomato, Onion, Pepper, Carrot, Amaranthus, Cucumber, Water melon, Okra, Lettuce, Cabbage e.t.c
4 Tubers These are crops that produce swollen edible vegetative part containing starch and rich in carbohydrate. They include yam, cassava, cocoyam, potatoes and the likes.
5 Sugar Crops These crops are highly rich in sugar. They include Sugarcane, sugar beet e.t.c.
6 Beverage Crop they are used in making food drink
7 Medicinal crop The crops have substances that are active in treating some ailments.
8 Oil crop The crops have rich oil content.
9 Latex crop The crops produce whitish substances used in plastic and rubber industry
10 Fruit These are crops that produce edible fruits and can be eaten raw. They include citrus (orange), mango, garden egg, watermelon, guava, cashew, grape, cherry apple.
11 Fibers These are crops whose vegetative part is fibre rich or produces fibre around their fruit. They are not consumed but their fibre used in textile industrues. Example cotton, kenaf, sisal, Jute e.t.c.
12 Spice crop The category is characterised by good aroma and are used mostly in soup preparation.
S/N Crop Category Name Category Description