
Agronomic practice of SAMPEA 16

S/N Practice Name Practice Description Practice Details View details
1 Site selection • The best soil is a well-dr... • The best soil is a well-dr... |
2 Land preparation • Land should be prepared as... • Land should be prepared as... |
3 Method of propagation • By seed and 2 – 3 seeds ... • By seed and 2 – 3 seeds ... |
4 Seed Treatment • Treat seeds before plantin... • Treat seeds before plantin... |
5 Planting Period • Planted when the rains are... • Planted when the rains are... |
6 Plant spacing • Spacing is 75-90cm apart d... • Spacing is 75-90cm apart d... |
7 Germination period • Germination occurs 4 to 7 ... • Germination occurs 4 to 7 ... |
8 Supplying Replanting of seeds to replace... Replanting of seeds to replace... |
9 Thinning • Removal of weak plants fro... • Removal of weak plants fro... |
10 Weed Management a. Manual weeding • This i... a. Manual weeding • This i... |
11 Maturity Period (days) Depend on variety • 80-100 ... Depend on variety • 80-100 ... |
12 Harvesting • Harvesting is done manuall... • Harvesting is done manuall... |