
Agronomic practice of Sugarcane

S/N Practice Name Practice Description Practice Details View details
1 Site selection • Select site with good soil... • Select site with good soil... |
2 Land preparation Manual • Slash, clear and b... Manual • Slash, clear and b... |
3 Method of propagation • Planting sugarcane is by v... • Planting sugarcane is by v... |
4 Seed Treatment • Obtain quality setts from ... • Obtain quality setts from ... |
5 Plant spacing • Distance of 75cm between p... • Distance of 75cm between p... |
6 Germination period ... ... |
7 Frequency of Irrigation • Advisably grown where ther... • Advisably grown where ther... |
8 Weed Management Cultural Method • Use of ho... Cultural Method • Use of ho... |
9 Maturity Period (days) Matures at 10-24 months after ... Matures at 10-24 months after ... |
10 Harvesting • Sugarcane can be harvested... • Sugarcane can be harvested... |
11 Potential Yield • 5000-8000 kg/ha • Varie... • 5000-8000 kg/ha • Varie... |
12 Health/Nutritional Benefit • Sugarcane juice contains h... • Sugarcane juice contains h... |
13 Marketing • Sugarcane are mostly sold ... • Sugarcane are mostly sold ... |
14 Supplying • Replace unsprouted setts 2... • Replace unsprouted setts 2... |
15 Earthen Up • A practice of ridging up t... • A practice of ridging up t... |