
Agronomic practice of Sweet Potato

S/N Practice Name Practice Description Practice Details View details
1 Site selection • The site for sweet potato ... • The site for sweet potato ... |
2 Planting Period • April to May (Early planti... • April to May (Early planti... |
3 Land preparation a. Manual • Clear bushes (... a. Manual • Clear bushes (... |
4 Seed Treatment • Dipping planting material ... • Dipping planting material ... |
5 Plant spacing • Within row spacing: 25 cm ... • Within row spacing: 25 cm ... |
6 Method of propagation • By the use of vines / stem... • By the use of vines / stem... |
7 Germination period • Germination/sprouting occu... • Germination/sprouting occu... |
8 Supplying • Replanting of fresh stem t... • Replanting of fresh stem t... |
9 Thinning • The removal of excess and ... • The removal of excess and ... |
10 Nursery management/operations Pre-nursery Operation: • Nu... Pre-nursery Operation: • Nu... |
11 Frequency of Irrigation • To grow sweet potato durin... • To grow sweet potato durin... |
12 Weed Management a. Cultural Method • Crop R... a. Cultural Method • Crop R... |
13 Maturity Period (days) The maturity stage depends on ... The maturity stage depends on ... |
14 Harvesting • Manual (hoe, sharpened sti... • Manual (hoe, sharpened sti... |
15 Potential Yield The average yield is about 15t... The average yield is about 15t... |
16 Health/Nutritional Benefit • It is rich in Vitamin C. ... • It is rich in Vitamin C. ... |
17 Marketing • There is no coordinated sy... • There is no coordinated sy... |