
Agronomic practice of Tigernut

S/N Practice Name Practice Description Practice Details View details
1 Land preparation • Make a loose, fairly fine ... • Make a loose, fairly fine ... |
2 Plant spacing between ridges is approximatel... between ridges is approximatel... |
3 Seed Treatment Tubers are soaked in water for... Tubers are soaked in water for... |
4 Planting Period Between April and May... Between April and May... |
5 Germination period • Germination usually occurs... • Germination usually occurs... |
6 Weed Management Ensure weed free field at earl... Ensure weed free field at earl... |
7 Maturity Period (days) 90 – 110 days... 90 – 110 days... |
8 Harvesting With a combine harvester, the ... With a combine harvester, the ... |
9 Marketing Nigeria is among the principal... Nigeria is among the principal... |