
Agronomic practice of SAMMAZ 56

S/N Practice Name Practice Description Practice Details View details
1 Site selection • It adapts to wide range of... • It adapts to wide range of... |
2 Planting Period Sown as soon as rains are esta... Sown as soon as rains are esta... |
3 Land preparation a. Manual • Clear bushes (... a. Manual • Clear bushes (... |
4 Seed Treatment • Use of chemical e.g. Marsh... • Use of chemical e.g. Marsh... |
5 Plant spacing • 75cm between ridges and 50... • 75cm between ridges and 50... |
6 Germination period • Germination occurs 4 to 7 ... • Germination occurs 4 to 7 ... |
7 Supplying • 8 days after sowing... • 8 days after sowing... |
8 Thinning • Thin to 1 or 2 plants per ... • Thin to 1 or 2 plants per ... |
9 Weed Management • 2 manual weeding recommend... • 2 manual weeding recommend... |
10 Maturity Period (days) • 70 – 75 days after plant... • 70 – 75 days after plant... |
11 Harvesting • The crop is matured when t... • The crop is matured when t... |
12 Potential Yield • Yield is between 2500-4500... • Yield is between 2500-4500... |
13 Post harvest handling Maize shelling: This can be do... Maize shelling: This can be do... |
14 Processing and Uses • Maize can be eaten either ... • Maize can be eaten either ... |