
Agronomic practice of Faro 55

S/N Practice Name Practice Description Practice Details View details
1 Site selection • Rice can grow on all types... • Rice can grow on all types... |
2 Planting Period • Mid-March to Mid-April (Ea... • Mid-March to Mid-April (Ea... |
3 Land preparation • For direct sowing, the fie... • For direct sowing, the fie... |
4 Method of propagation • Either by Nursery preparat... • Either by Nursery preparat... |
5 Seed Treatment • Use one 10g sachet of Apro... • Use one 10g sachet of Apro... |
6 Nursery management/operations • Seeds are sown in nursery ... • Seeds are sown in nursery ... |
7 Plant spacing • 25cm between rows and 20cm... • 25cm between rows and 20cm... |
8 Germination period • Germination occurs 4 to 7 ... • Germination occurs 4 to 7 ... |
9 Thinning • Remove weak plants from a ... • Remove weak plants from a ... |
10 Weed Management • Weeding should be done reg... • Weeding should be done reg... |
11 Maturity Period (days) Depending on variety 90-130 d... Depending on variety 90-130 d... |
12 Harvesting • Rice is harvested when the... • Rice is harvested when the... |
13 Potential Yield • Farmers yields range betwe... • Farmers yields range betwe... |