
Agronomic practice of NGLE -91-6 (SAMTOM -6)

S/N Practice Name Practice Description Practice Details View details
1 Land preparation • Manually: Clear bushes and... • Manually: Clear bushes and... |
2 Method of propagation • By seed and can be planted... • By seed and can be planted... |
3 Seed Treatment • Treat seeds before plantin... • Treat seeds before plantin... |
4 Planting Period Depending on the location •... Depending on the location •... |
5 Nursery management/operations • Seed beds are usually prep... • Seed beds are usually prep... |
6 Plant spacing • 60 x 60 cm without staking... • 60 x 60 cm without staking... |
7 Staking Tomato seedlings are usually s... Tomato seedlings are usually s... |
8 Weed Management • Manual weeding • Hand p... • Manual weeding • Hand p... |
9 Harvesting Fruits are ready for harvestin... Fruits are ready for harvestin... |
10 Potential Yield • 20-40 tons/ha are obtainab... • 20-40 tons/ha are obtainab... |