
Agronomic practice of Irish potato

S/N Practice Name Practice Description Practice Details View details
1 Site selection • Site where Irish potato is... • Site where Irish potato is... |
2 Planting Period Dry season • Should be plan... Dry season • Should be plan... |
3 Land preparation Land preparation in rainy seas... Land preparation in rainy seas... |
4 Plant spacing Dry season: 20 cm by 50 cm (10... Dry season: 20 cm by 50 cm (10... |
5 Method of propagation ... ... |
6 Germination period Potato germinate 3-4 WAP (week... Potato germinate 3-4 WAP (week... |
7 Nursery management/operations • The seed is drilled in row... • The seed is drilled in row... |
8 Weed Management Mechanical control. • Manua... Mechanical control. • Manua... |