
Agronomic practice of Carrot

S/N Practice Name Practice Description Practice Details View details
1 Land preparation Manual i. Clear the land fro... Manual i. Clear the land fro... |
2 Method of propagation i. By seeds... i. By seeds... |
3 Seed Treatment i. Deep seed in water at 50oC ... i. Deep seed in water at 50oC ... |
4 Planting Period i. Early planting: May to late... i. Early planting: May to late... |
5 Plant spacing i. 5 -7.5 cm within row ii. ... i. 5 -7.5 cm within row ii. ... |
6 Germination period i. Germination takes 2 weeks a... i. Germination takes 2 weeks a... |
7 Supplying i. Replant between 15 -21 days... i. Replant between 15 -21 days... |
8 Frequency of Irrigation i. Carrot are sensitive to moi... i. Carrot are sensitive to moi... |
9 Weed Management i. Only 2 to 3 weeding are nee... i. Only 2 to 3 weeding are nee... |
10 Maturity Period (days) i. They are ready for harvest ... i. They are ready for harvest ... |
11 Harvesting i. Carrots are usually harvest... i. Carrots are usually harvest... |
12 Potential Yield i. 20 to 40 tons/ha... i. 20 to 40 tons/ha... |
13 Health/Nutritional Benefit • Help to maintain good eyes... • Help to maintain good eyes... |