
Agronomic practice of Cucumber

S/N Practice Name Practice Description Practice Details View details
1 Site selection • Soil preparation involves ... • Soil preparation involves ... |
2 Planting Period • Cucumber does well on a we... • Cucumber does well on a we... |
3 Land preparation • Apply organic manure durin... • Apply organic manure durin... |
4 Seed Treatment • Treat seeds with recommend... • Treat seeds with recommend... |
5 Plant spacing • Cucumbers are planted on t... • Cucumbers are planted on t... |
6 Method of propagation • Propagated by seeds... • Propagated by seeds... |
7 Germination period • 3-7 days after planting... • 3-7 days after planting... |
8 Supplying • Replant ungerminated seeds... • Replant ungerminated seeds... |
9 Thinning • If sown on hills they are ... • If sown on hills they are ... |
10 Prunning • At a height of 1.8m, the g... • At a height of 1.8m, the g... |
11 Weed Management • Manual weeding using hoe o... • Manual weeding using hoe o... |
12 Maturity Period (days) • It takes 40-45 days for cu... • It takes 40-45 days for cu... |
13 Harvesting • Harvesting is done manuall... • Harvesting is done manuall... |
14 Potential Yield • 500 bags of 40kg per acre.... • 500 bags of 40kg per acre.... |
15 Health/Nutritional Benefit • They are rich in vitamin A... • They are rich in vitamin A... |
16 Marketing • There should be a defined ... • There should be a defined ... |
17 Staking • After planting the seeds, ... • After planting the seeds, ... |