
Agronomic practice of Cauliflower

S/N Practice Name Practice Description Practice Details View details
1 Site selection • The site chosen should be ... • The site chosen should be ... |
2 Method of propagation • Propagation of cauliflower... • Propagation of cauliflower... |
3 Nursery management/operations • Prepare nursery bed of 15c... • Prepare nursery bed of 15c... |
4 Land preparation • The field should be prepar... • The field should be prepar... |
5 Planting Period Varieties Sowing Time Transpl... Varieties Sowing Time Transpl... |
6 Seed Treatment • Treat seed with recommende... • Treat seed with recommende... |
7 Plant spacing ... ... |
8 Germination period • 8-10 days after planting... • 8-10 days after planting... |
9 Earthen Up • It is important in rainy s... • It is important in rainy s... |
10 Weed Management • Critical period for weed c... • Critical period for weed c... |
11 Frequency of Irrigation • First irrigation should be... • First irrigation should be... |
12 Prunning • Remove unwanted stems/dead... • Remove unwanted stems/dead... |
13 Harvesting • Harvesting is carried out ... • Harvesting is carried out ... |
14 Potential Yield Varieties YIELD (kg/ha) Ear... Varieties YIELD (kg/ha) Ear... |
15 Post harvest handling • Harvesting should be done ... • Harvesting should be done ... |
16 Marketing • Harvested fresh cauliflowe... • Harvested fresh cauliflowe... |
17 Processing and Uses • It is naturally high in fi... • It is naturally high in fi... |