
Agronomic practice of Cabbage

S/N Practice Name Practice Description Practice Details View details
1 Method of propagation • Propagation of cabbage cou... • Propagation of cabbage cou... |
2 Seed Treatment • Seeds are treated with Thi... • Seeds are treated with Thi... |
3 Nursery management/operations • Cabbage is basically a tra... • Cabbage is basically a tra... |
4 Site selection • The site chosen should be ... • The site chosen should be ... |
5 Land preparation • The depth of ploughing sho... • The depth of ploughing sho... |
6 Plant spacing • The planting distance may ... • The planting distance may ... |
7 Thinning • Seedlings are thinned to 3... • Seedlings are thinned to 3... |
8 Mulching • Use compost to mulch in ot... • Use compost to mulch in ot... |
9 Earthen Up • Earthen up is important in... • Earthen up is important in... |
10 Weed Management • Cabbage is a shallow roote... • Cabbage is a shallow roote... |
11 Frequency of Irrigation • First irrigation should be... • First irrigation should be... |
12 Harvesting Heading Type • Harvesting... Heading Type • Harvesting... |
13 Potential Yield • The yield of cabbage varie... • The yield of cabbage varie... |
14 Post harvest handling • Avoid direct contact of he... • Avoid direct contact of he... |
15 Packaging • Cabbage heads are sent to ... • Cabbage heads are sent to ... |
16 Processing and Uses • These are eaten in the raw... • These are eaten in the raw... |
17 Health/Nutritional Benefit • Cabbage leaves are low in ... • Cabbage leaves are low in ... |