
Agronomic practice of Coffee

S/N Practice Name Practice Description Practice Details View details
1 Site selection • Well drain moist and loose... • Well drain moist and loose... |
2 Planting Period • At the on-set of rain... • At the on-set of rain... |
3 Land preparation • For manual preparation, Cl... • For manual preparation, Cl... |
4 Nursery management/operations Nursery • Fill bag with loa... Nursery • Fill bag with loa... |
5 Germination period • The seed germinates in 2-5... • The seed germinates in 2-5... |
6 Plant spacing • Holes should be spaced 30c... • Holes should be spaced 30c... |
7 Method of propagation • By seeds • Vegetativel... • By seeds • Vegetativel... |
8 Frequency of Irrigation • Water regularly until they... • Water regularly until they... |
9 Weed Management • This should be done regula... • This should be done regula... |
10 Harvesting • Coffee produces berries 36... • Coffee produces berries 36... |