
Agronomic practice of Cotton

S/N Practice Name Practice Description Practice Details View details
1 Site selection • Grown on a variety of soil... • Grown on a variety of soil... |
2 Planting Period • The recommended planting p... • The recommended planting p... |
3 Land preparation • Land clearing should be ca... • Land clearing should be ca... |
4 Seed Treatment • It is important to ensure ... • It is important to ensure ... |
5 Plant spacing • 90cm x 45cm for short stap... • 90cm x 45cm for short stap... |
6 Germination period • Cotton seedlings emerge wi... • Cotton seedlings emerge wi... |
7 Thinning • Cotton seedling should be ... • Cotton seedling should be ... |
8 Weed Management • Farmers are advised to kee... • Farmers are advised to kee... |
9 Harvesting • Harvesting of cotton by pi... • Harvesting of cotton by pi... |
10 Potential Yield Variety Duration and maturity ... Variety Duration and maturity ... |