
Agronomic practice of Spinach

S/N Practice Name Practice Description Practice Details View details
1 Site selection a. Light vegetation cover and ... a. Light vegetation cover and ... |
2 Planting Period All year round if water is ava... All year round if water is ava... |
3 Land preparation a. Manual i. Clear bushes, r... a. Manual i. Clear bushes, r... |
4 Seed Treatment a. Apply chemicals such as “... a. Apply chemicals such as “... |
5 Plant spacing It is varietal dependent a. 2... It is varietal dependent a. 2... |
6 Method of propagation a. By seed Planting Mix see... a. By seed Planting Mix see... |
7 Germination period a. It takes 2 – 5 days after... a. It takes 2 – 5 days after... |
8 Supplying a. One week after transplantin... a. One week after transplantin... |
9 Thinning This is the Removal of weak or... This is the Removal of weak or... |
10 Nursery management/operations a. Raising seedlings in nurser... a. Raising seedlings in nurser... |
11 Frequency of Irrigation a. Water immediately after sow... a. Water immediately after sow... |
12 Weed Management a. Manual weeding using hoe, h... a. Manual weeding using hoe, h... |
13 Potential Yield i. 10-15 t/ha depending on var... i. 10-15 t/ha depending on var... |