
Agronomic practice of Ginger

S/N Practice Name Practice Description Practice Details View details
1 Site selection • Select well drained sandy ... • Select well drained sandy ... |
2 Land preparation • Proper ploughing and harro... • Proper ploughing and harro... |
3 Method of propagation • It is propagated vegetativ... • It is propagated vegetativ... |
4 Plant spacing • 20cm x 20cm (20cm between ... • 20cm x 20cm (20cm between ... |
5 Planting Period • Plant as soon as rain is e... • Plant as soon as rain is e... |
6 Mulching • The first mulching is to b... • The first mulching is to b... |
7 Weed Management • First weeding done at 4 - ... • First weeding done at 4 - ... |
8 Harvesting • When fully matured, leaves... • When fully matured, leaves... |
9 Potential Yield • The average yield of fresh... • The average yield of fresh... |