
Agronomic practice of Millet

S/N Practice Name Practice Description Practice Details View details
1 Site selection • Fertile and well aerated S... • Fertile and well aerated S... |
2 Planting Period • Sow as soon as rain is ful... • Sow as soon as rain is ful... |
3 Land preparation • Early land preparation is ... • Early land preparation is ... |
4 Seed Treatment • Treat your seed with APRON... • Treat your seed with APRON... |
5 Plant spacing • Sole crop millet is plante... • Sole crop millet is plante... |
6 Method of propagation • By seeds... • By seeds... |
7 Germination period • Germination occurs 4 to 7 ... • Germination occurs 4 to 7 ... |
8 Thinning • Thin to 2-3 seedlings at ... • Thin to 2-3 seedlings at ... |
9 Frequency of Irrigation • Millet cannot grow well wh... • Millet cannot grow well wh... |
10 Weed Management • Two or three hoe weeding a... • Two or three hoe weeding a... |
11 Maturity Period (days) 65- 120 days. depending on t... 65- 120 days. depending on t... |
12 Harvesting • You can harvest between 3.... • You can harvest between 3.... |
13 Post harvest handling Dry heads in sun on clean surf... Dry heads in sun on clean surf... |
14 Processing and Uses Millet is a cereal crop that i... Millet is a cereal crop that i... |
15 Marketing • Sell harvested produce to ... • Sell harvested produce to ... |