
Agronomic practice of Banana

S/N Practice Name Practice Description Practice Details View details
1 Site selection • moist soil area, flat (slo... • moist soil area, flat (slo... |
2 Planting Period when rainfall is established... when rainfall is established... |
3 Land preparation • plough, hallow and clear a... • plough, hallow and clear a... |
4 Plant spacing 2.75m x 2.75m, 3m x 3m, 3.... 2.75m x 2.75m, 3m x 3m, 3.... |
5 Method of propagation • by rhizomes • by sucke... • by rhizomes • by sucke... |
6 Germination period • Some germinate in 2-3 week... • Some germinate in 2-3 week... |
7 Weed Management • a combination of hand hoei... • a combination of hand hoei... |
8 Maturity Period (days) fruit maturity is expected 10... fruit maturity is expected 10... |
9 Harvesting • Manual harvesting and nylo... • Manual harvesting and nylo... |
10 Potential Yield • 80-100 t/ha... • 80-100 t/ha... |
11 Marketing • The distribution of banana... • The distribution of banana... |