
Agronomic practice of Pineapple

S/N Practice Name Practice Description Practice Details View details
1 Site selection Well drained soils rich in org... Well drained soils rich in org... |
2 Planting Period onset of rainfall... onset of rainfall... |
3 Land preparation Ploughing, harrowing and level... Ploughing, harrowing and level... |
4 Seed Treatment The cuttings are usually cured... The cuttings are usually cured... |
5 Plant spacing 22.5 x 60 x 75 cm; 25 x 60 x... 22.5 x 60 x 75 cm; 25 x 60 ... |
6 Method of propagation Pineapple is usually propagate... Pineapple is usually propagate... |
7 Germination period six weeks after planting... six weeks after planting... |
8 Nursery management/operations • 100g weight of pineapple (... • 100g weight of pineapple (... |
9 Frequency of Irrigation • Once planted, the planting... • Once planted, the planting... |
10 Weed Management • Manual weeding: hoe, hand ... • Manual weeding: hoe, hand ... |
11 Maturity Period (days) 15- 18 months... 15- 18 months... |
12 Harvesting Manual harvesting using (cutla... Manual harvesting using (cutla... |
13 Potential Yield 80 t/ha... 80 t/ha... |
14 Marketing • The growers usually dispos... • The growers usually dispos... |