
Agronomic practice of Wheat

S/N Practice Name Practice Description Practice Details View details
1 Site selection • It is best suited to cool ... • It is best suited to cool ... |
2 Planting Period • Sowing should be carried o... • Sowing should be carried o... |
3 Land preparation • The site can be ploughed a... • The site can be ploughed a... |
4 Seed Treatment • Apply Apron star 50DS at t... • Apply Apron star 50DS at t... |
5 Method of propagation • Propagated by seeds... • Propagated by seeds... |
6 Germination period • Germination occurs 7 to 10... • Germination occurs 7 to 10... |
7 Supplying • Replant seeds to replace t... • Replant seeds to replace t... |
8 Frequency of Irrigation • Wheat is mostly grown unde... • Wheat is mostly grown unde... |
9 Weed Management • No at harmattan but start ... • No at harmattan but start ... |
10 Maturity Period (days) • Refer to table on varietie... • Refer to table on varietie... |
11 Harvesting • Wheat is harvested as soon... • Wheat is harvested as soon... |