
Agronomic practice of Yam

S/N Practice Name Practice Description Practice Details View details
1 Site selection • It adapts to wide range of... • It adapts to wide range of... |
2 Planting Period • Early planting (October-De... • Early planting (October-De... |
3 Land preparation a. Manual • Clear the land... a. Manual • Clear the land... |
4 Method of propagation • Propagated by seed yam or ... • Propagated by seed yam or ... |
5 Seed Treatment • Treat seed with wood ash... • Treat seed with wood ash... |
6 Plant spacing • mounds should be l m x l ... • mounds should be l m x l ... |
7 Mulching • Mulch ridges/mould immedia... • Mulch ridges/mould immedia... |
8 Weed Management Yam plots should be kept weed-... Yam plots should be kept weed-... |
9 Staking For leaves to spread, for maxi... For leaves to spread, for maxi... |
10 Maturity Period (days) • At least 14 weeks... • At least 14 weeks... |
11 Harvesting • Early harvest ("milking") ... • Early harvest ("milking") ... |
12 Potential Yield • Average yield is between 1... • Average yield is between 1... |
13 Health/Nutritional Benefit • Rich in Vit C and essentia... • Rich in Vit C and essentia... |
14 Marketing • Large Scale: Nigeria is t... • Large Scale: Nigeria is t... |