
Agronomic practice of Beniseed

S/N Practice Name Practice Description Practice Details View details
1 Land preparation • Manual: Clear bushes (usin... • Manual: Clear bushes (usin... |
2 Planting/Sowing Depth • As sesame seed is small, s... • As sesame seed is small, s... |
3 Plant spacing • Inter-row and intra row 60... • Inter-row and intra row 60... |
4 Thinning • Thin to 2 plants per stand... • Thin to 2 plants per stand... |
5 Harvesting • The harvesting starts when... • The harvesting starts when... |
6 Post harvest handling • After harvesting, the plan... • After harvesting, the plan... |
7 Processing and Uses • Cleaning • Dehulling: s... • Cleaning • Dehulling: s... |
8 Marketing • Nigeria has a comparative ... • Nigeria has a comparative ... |
9 Health/Nutritional Benefit • Good source of fiber • ... • Good source of fiber • ... |