
Agronomic practice of Cashew

S/N Practice Name Practice Description Practice Details View details
1 Site selection o Sandy Soil o Well drained s... o Sandy Soil o Well drained s... |
2 Planting Period o At the beginning of the rai... o At the beginning of the rai... |
3 Land preparation o Clear and burn dirty for for... o Clear and burn dirty for for... |
4 Plant spacing 7.5m x 7.5 m 8 m x 8 m... 7.5m x 7.5 m 8 m x 8 m... |
5 Method of propagation a. Nursery practice Require... a. Nursery practice Require... |
6 Weed Management Cultural method includes the u... Cultural method includes the u... |
7 Harvesting o harvesting is concluded befo... o harvesting is concluded befo... |
8 Potential Yield o 245 nuts per tree o 1.5 to... o 245 nuts per tree o 1.5 to... |
9 Processing and Uses o The apple is consumed direct... o The apple is consumed direct... |
10 Health/Nutritional Benefit o Rich in Vitamins B and Miner... o Rich in Vitamins B and Miner... |
11 Marketing Individual buy from village to... Individual buy from village to... |