
Agronomic practice of Celosia

S/N Practice Name Practice Description Practice Details View details
1 Site selection • Grows well in a lowland hu... • Grows well in a lowland hu... |
2 Land preparation a. It prefers well worked and ... a. It prefers well worked and ... |
3 Plant spacing • 30 x 15 cm (for single har... • 30 x 15 cm (for single har... |
4 Method of propagation Method of propagation: • Ce... Method of propagation: • Ce... |
5 Nursery management/operations a. Raising seedlings in nurser... a. Raising seedlings in nurser... |
6 Frequency of Irrigation • Irrigation is optional dur... • Irrigation is optional dur... |
7 Germination period • Seeds germinate in 5-7 day... • Seeds germinate in 5-7 day... |
8 Thinning • Once seedlings have emerge... • Once seedlings have emerge... |
9 Supplying a. One week after transplantin... a. One week after transplantin... |
10 Weed Management • Manual weeding using hoe, ... • Manual weeding using hoe, ... |
11 Maturity Period (days) • Depend on variety: 4-5 wee... • Depend on variety: 4-5 wee... |
12 Harvesting a. Leaf harvesting i. 4 - 5 w... a. Leaf harvesting i. 4 - 5 w... |