
Agronomic practice of Cocoa

S/N Practice Name Practice Description Practice Details View details
1 Site selection • Site of strong dry winds s... • Site of strong dry winds s... |
2 Planting Period • Nursery is done October to... • Nursery is done October to... |
3 Land preparation • Clear the area manually or... • Clear the area manually or... |
4 Seed Treatment • The seed must be sown at m... • The seed must be sown at m... |
5 Nursery management/operations • Sow seeds immediately remo... • Sow seeds immediately remo... |
6 Plant spacing • Spacing in Nursery is 20cm... • Spacing in Nursery is 20cm... |
7 Method of propagation • Direct propagation by seed... • Direct propagation by seed... |
8 Supplying • Done within the first to s... • Done within the first to s... |
9 Weed Management Manual : slashing • Chemic... Manual : slashing • Chemic... |
10 Prunning This is the removal of too low... This is the removal of too low... |
11 Maturity Period (days) • Matures within 3 to 5 year... • Matures within 3 to 5 year... |
12 Harvesting • Ripe pod changes colour- g... • Ripe pod changes colour- g... |
13 Potential Yield 1.2-2.3 t/ha... 1.2-2.3 t/ha... |