
Agronomic practice of Groundnut

S/N Practice Name Practice Description Practice Details View details
1 Site selection • Select a well-drained open... • Select a well-drained open... |
2 Land preparation • Make a loose, fairly fine ... • Make a loose, fairly fine ... |
3 Plant spacing • 75 cm x 23 cm; (23cm betwe... • 75 cm x 23 cm; (23cm betwe... |
4 Seed Treatment • coat the seed with Thiram ... • coat the seed with Thiram ... |
5 Planting Period • Planting should be done af... • Planting should be done af... |
6 Germination period • 5 to 10 days... • 5 to 10 days... |
7 Frequency of Irrigation • An irrigation interval of ... • An irrigation interval of ... |
8 Weed Management Timing: timely weeding especia... Timing: timely weeding especia... |
9 Maturity Period (days) Maturity period: 140 – 150 d... Maturity period: 140 – 150 d... |
10 Harvesting This is done when most of the ... This is done when most of the ... |
11 Marketing The year-round demand for grou... The year-round demand for grou... |