
Agronomic practice of Guava

S/N Practice Name Practice Description Practice Details View details
1 Site selection • Choose site free from pest... • Choose site free from pest... |
2 Land preparation • Site should be ploughed on... • Site should be ploughed on... |
3 Nursery management/operations • Raise seedlings for about ... • Raise seedlings for about ... |
4 Plant spacing • Optimum spacing is 7m x 7m... • Optimum spacing is 7m x 7m... |
5 Method of propagation • By seeds • Vegetatively... • By seeds • Vegetatively... |
6 Frequency of Irrigation • Irrigate the orchard immed... • Irrigate the orchard immed... |
7 Germination period • Germinates 2 to 3 weeks af... • Germinates 2 to 3 weeks af... |
8 Mulching • Dry leaves and grasses can... • Dry leaves and grasses can... |
9 Prunning • Pruning is carried out to ... • Pruning is carried out to ... |
10 Weed Management • Use specialized hand hoes ... • Use specialized hand hoes ... |
11 Maturity Period (days) • • Guava Plant fruits in ... • • Guava Plant fruits in ... |
12 Harvesting • Guava fruit will change co... • Guava fruit will change co... |
13 Potential Yield • Mature trees yield about 1... • Mature trees yield about 1... |
14 Health/Nutritional Benefit Flowers: • The flowers of ... Flowers: • The flowers of ... |