
Agronomic practice of Ata Sombo (NHCf 387)

S/N Practice Name Practice Description Practice Details View details
1 Site selection Warm climate, well drained sil... Warm climate, well drained sil... |
2 Seed Treatment Treat seeds before planting us... Treat seeds before planting us... |
3 Nursery management/operations • Nursery is done 3-4 weeks ... • Nursery is done 3-4 weeks ... |
4 Land preparation Beds of 1 meter. it required p... Beds of 1 meter. it required p... |
5 Method of propagation a. By seed using drilling meth... a. By seed using drilling meth... |
6 Planting Period a. April-May (Southern ecology... a. April-May (Southern ecology... |
7 Plant spacing a. 60 x 60 cm between rows and... a. 60 x 60 cm between rows and... |
8 Weed Management a. Hand pulling Keep field w... a. Hand pulling Keep field w... |
9 Maturity Period (days) Depend on variety a. 2-3 mo... Depend on variety a. 2-3 mo... |
10 Harvesting a. Manually by hand picking on... a. Manually by hand picking on... |
11 Marketing The market for the product is ... The market for the product is ... |
12 Seed Sourcing Pepper seed sourcing is good b... Farmers can get seed from the:... |
13 Fertilizer Management (Method, time and number of application) Fertilizer management is the p... Type of fertilizers needed by ... |
14 Frequency of Irrigation Frequency of irrigation is def... Pepper does not like soggy soi... |
15 Mulching Mulching is the process of usi... Mulching can be carried out on... |
16 Pest and Disease Management Pests and disease management i... Bacterial leaf spot: It is com... |
17 Potential Yield This refers to the maximum amo... Under proper management and go... |
18 Planting/Sowing Depth Planting/sowing depth refers t... The appropriate sowing depth i... |
19 Germination period The germination period is the ... It takes 12 to 14 days for som... |
20 Thinning Thinning is the process of rem... During their growth and vegeta... |
21 Earthen Up Earthing up is a farming techn... Earthing up is a planting meth... |
22 Supplying Supplying refers to the proces... Supplying should be done one w... |
23 Prunning Pruning is the removal of pepp... The first prunning is done 4-6... |
24 Staking Staking is a means of providin... The best way to stake peppers ... |
25 Processing and Uses This involves converting harve... Processing: Remove the pepper... |
26 Health/Nutritional Benefit Nutritional benefits or nutrit... They're low in calories and ar... |
27 Post harvest handling Postharvest handling is the st... The post harvest handling incl... |