
Agronomic practice of Waterleaf

S/N Practice Name Practice Description Practice Details View details
1 Method of propagation ... ... |
2 Planting Period • Best to start during dry s... • Best to start during dry s... |
3 Land preparation • Clear the land using hoe, ... • Clear the land using hoe, ... |
4 Plant spacing • 15cm by 15cm... • 15cm by 15cm... |
5 Germination period • After 5 days of plating... • After 5 days of plating... |
6 Maturity Period (days) • 2- 3 weeks after planting ... • 2- 3 weeks after planting ... |
7 Harvesting • Harvest when leaves are ... • Harvest when leaves are ... |
8 Health/Nutritional Benefit • high in protein, energy, c... • high in protein, energy, c... |