
Agronomic practice of FARO 65

S/N Practice Name Practice Description Practice Details View details
1 Seed Sourcing This is the process of obtaini... Agricultural Research Inststit... |
2 Site selection (Rainfall requirement, Tempera... Upland rice grow well where 5 ... |
3 Land preparation Land preparation involves read... Proper land preparation is nec... |
4 Time of Planting Time of planting refers to the... First week of June (Get advise... |
5 Seed Treatment Seed treatment involves applyi... Most of the packaged improved ... |
6 Plant spacing Plant spacing refers to the ar... Sow rice seeds by drilling in... |
7 Germination period The germination period is the ... 5 to 10 days after planting in... |
8 Thinning Thinning is the process of rem... Missing hills lead to low yiel... |
9 Weed Management Weed management involves contr... Weeding must be done at least ... |
10 Harvesting This involves the gathering or... The stem of the rice is cut cl... |
11 Potential Yield This refers to the maximum amo... 6.4t/ha or more on a good agro... |