
Agronomic practice of Lafayette

S/N Practice Name Practice Description Practice Details View details
1 Site selection This involves choosing a locat... Rainfall requirement: 600 - 12... |
2 Land preparation Land preparation involves read... Prepare the land thoroughly to... |
3 Seed Sourcing This is the process of obtaini... Quality seed can be sourced fr... |
4 Time of Planting Time of planting refers to the... Rainy season farming: April to... |
5 Seed Treatment Seed treatment involves applyi... Pepper seeds can be treated th... |
6 Seed Rate Seed rate is the amount of see... The plant population should be... |
7 Method of propagation The planting method refers to ... Pepper can be propagated using... |
8 Germination period The germination period is the ... It takes 7 to 14 days to germi... |
9 Thinning Thinning is the process of rem... Choose the best looking seedli... |
10 Weed Management Weed management involves contr... Generally, keep the field weed... |
11 Fertilizer Management (Method, time and number of application) Fertilizer management is the p... A complete fertilizer such as ... |
12 Pest and Disease Management Pests and disease management i... Chemical method: This involves... |
13 Maturity Period (days) This is the duration it takes ... Maturity period: 70-90 days... |
14 Harvesting This involves the gathering or... Maturity ranges from 2-3 month... |
15 Potential Yield This refers to the maximum amo... The potential yield is 26 t/ha... |
16 Storage This involves preserving harve... Harvested pepper should be sto... |
17 Processing and Uses This involves converting harve... Remove foreign objects from th... |