
Disease and Management of Irish potato

S/N Disease Name Disease Manipestation Disease Management View details
1 Bacterial Wilt • Initial wilting at one sid... • Crop rotation is an effect... |
2 Blackleg and Soft Rot • Black slimy lesions progre... • Avoid planting in wet soil... |
3 Ring Rot • Wilting of some stem of th... • plant disease free seeds. ... |
4 Common Scab • Several types of lesions d... • Avoid planting scabby seed... |
5 Powdery Scab • Initial symptoms are small... • Plant in well-drained soil... |
6 Late Blight • Water soaked lesions appea... • Application of systemic fu... |
7 Early Blight • Brown, angular, necrotic s... • Organic fungicides sprayed... |
8 Stem Rot • They first form a cheesy s... • Sclerotia are long-lived a... |
9 Fusarium Dry Rot and Wilt • Tubers initially have dark... ... |
10 Potato Leaf-roll virus • Rolling of upper leaves es... • select healthy plants and ... |
11 Potato Viruses Y and A • Twisting of leaves. • D... • Roguing in seed propagatio... |
12 Potato Mop-Top Virus • Rings on surface of tuber ... • Treatment of infected soil... |
13 Root-knot Nematodes • Weak topgrowth and small, ... • Rotate potato with cereals... |
14 Lesion Nematodes • Infected tubers show purpl... • Timely harvesting and cold... |