
Disease and Management of Cucumber

S/N Disease Name Disease Manipestation Disease Management View details
1 Powdery Mildew 1. White powdery growth on the... 1. Chemical control 2. Plant ... |
2 Angular leaf spot 1. small, water-soaked spots t... 1. using pathogen-free seed ob... |
3 Fusarium wilt 1. Plants wilt and die 2. Ste... 1. Plant disease free seed 2.... |
4 crown and root rot 1. damping-off of young seedli... 1. Combination of irrigation m... |
5 Downy mildew 1. Yellow or brown spots on th... 1. Chemical control 2. Plant ... |
6 cucumber mosaic diseases 1. Mosaic pattern on leaves 2... 1. Remove infected plants and ... |