
Disease and Management of Water melon

S/N Disease Name Disease Manipestation Disease Management View details
1 Alternaria Leaf Blight • Small yellow-brown spot wi... • Cucurbits should be rotate... |
2 Alternaria leaf spot • Irregular slope or circula... • Crop rotation with non-cuc... |
3 Cercospora leafspot nitial symptoms occur on older... • Any disease plants should ... |
4 Downey Mildew • Yellow mottling on leaves;... • Do not overcrowd plants; ... |
5 Fusarium wilt • Wilting plants; • wilti... Plant in well drained soils an... |
6 Angular leaf spot • Small water-soaked lesions... ... |
7 Watermelon mosaic • Symptoms on leaves may inc... • Similar Treatments control... |