
Disease and Management of Okra

S/N Disease Name Disease Manipestation Disease Management View details
1 Root Knot Nematode a. Galls on roots b. Stunted ... a. Plant resistant varieties ... |
2 Leaf Spot a. Round or angular spots b. ... a. Use of protectant fungicide... |
3 Charcoal Rot a. Discoloration of stem at so... a. Crop rotation b. Avoid wat... |
4 Fusarium wilt a. Wilting of cotyledons and s... a. Use of certified disease-fr... |
5 Powdery Mildew a. Powdery white covering on l... a. Use of overhead irrigation ... |
6 Southern Blight a. Wilting of leaves b. Yello... Remove infected plants b. Avo... |
7 White mold a. Flowers covered in white b... a. Rotate crops with non-host... |
8 Okra Enation Leaf Curl Virus a. Small pin head enations (ou... a. Remove infected plant and b... |
9 Yello vein Mosaic Virus a. Infected leaves show patche... a. Use resistant cultivars b.... |