
Disease and Management of Cashew

S/N Disease Name Disease Manipestation Disease Management View details
1 lnflorescence blight diseases Withering of the petals and ot... Application of one spray of co... |
2 Rot of developing cashew nuts Immature dry nuts producing su... Spray with combination of e... |
3 Rot of pseudoapple Pseudoapple infection usually ... Harvest early... |
4 Leaves spot disease of cashew seedlings Leaf spot is preceded by inter... Application of iron chelate fa... |
5 Leaf blight of cashew Disease is manifested on the u... Spray with 1.5% Difolatan.... |
6 Root rot of cashew seedlings A parasitic algae attacking ma... Spray with 1.5% Difolatan... |
7 Storage diseases of harvested nuts Mouldiness of invasion by a co... Store nuts in dry and well aer... |