
Disease and Management of Normal Mango

S/N Disease Name Disease Manipestation Disease Management View details
1 Powdery mildewM a. White powdery growth on flo... a. When detected spray fungici... |
2 Anthracnose diseaseM a. brown to deep brown spots o... a. prune/cut and diseased part... |
3 DiebackM a. more noticablearound Octobe... a. use disease free woods for ... |
4 Sooty Mould or Black MildewM a. it is common whrere honey d... a. control associated insects ... |
5 Black bandedM a. black velvet fungal growth ... a. spray fungicide e.g. bourde... |
6 Pink disease or Thread blight or rubellosis 0r cobweb disease a. internal tissue of infected... a. cut, remove and burn infect... |
7 Alternaria spotM a. small, brownish circular sp... a. three spray of fungicide 2 ... |
8 Root rot and damping offM a. sudden seedling leave drop ... a. avoid planting in water log... |
9 Gummosis a. oozing of gum on surface of... a. remove disease bark and app... |
10 Bacterial canker diseaseM a. Initial water sosk lesion o... a. Plant healthy seed b. Graf... |
11 Alga Red rustM a. Rusty red substances on lea... a. allow adequate spacing by r... |
12 lichens a. patch-like growth on stem a... a. gunny rubbing followed by s... |
13 Parasite and epiphytesM a. they are entirely different... a. Cut off plant part parasite... |